Simple form low energy house near Southampton for a self-builder

The shape and construction of the house has been kept relatively simple as the clients, who are not trained builders, who have construct a significant part of the building themselves with the help of relatives and friends with trade skills.

The house is insulated to the Eco-house Advanced standard which is considerably above the then current building regulation requirements and has the advantage of large opening windows to the south. It still remains significantly above the recently increased building regulation requirements. Because of the potential for summer overheating sun shading has been designed for the main windows but to date have not been fitted. The building will have significant thermal mass and secure night-time ventilation is to be provided both of which have contributed to significantly reducing overheating of the house in the summer months to make this acceptable without the fixed sun shading. The secure night-time ventilation takes the form of window sized fixed louvres with internal insulated shutters and operates in conjunction with openable roof windows. Solar water heating is provided on the roof and there is the potential for a wind turbine and photovoltaic cells to be added at a later stage.

The construction of the house is well advanced and reports are that the energy strategy is performing well.

RIBA AECB Architect in the House Architects Registration Board Association of Self-Build Architects